One of the most important aspects of home maintenance is changing air filters on a regular basis. This can help improve air quality, reduce energy costs, and even extend the life of your HVAC system. Let’s take a closer look at why changing air filters regularly is so important.

The Role of Air Filters:

Air filters are designed to trap dust, dirt, pollen, and other airborne particles in order to improve air quality in your home or office. The more often you change them, the better the air quality will be. Aside from improving the overall health of your space by reducing allergens and pollutants in the air, changing air filters also helps to improve energy efficiency. A dirty filter restricts airflow and forces your HVAC system to work harder than necessary to maintain temperature levels, resulting in higher energy costs.

When Should You Change Your Filter?

Air filters should typically be changed every 30 days, depending on the amount of dust and debris build-up. And unless you have been told otherwise or have severe allergy concerns, a basic filter is typically better for your HVAC system.

How to Change Your Air Filter